so... good news and bad news!!!
the good news:
1. the weather is a lot warmer
2. i started planting flowers and herbs
3. i have been baking like nobody's business
4. christopher's sister and brother-in-law are moving from new york to south bend, indiana so they're closer to us :)
4. ...drumroll please... christopher got a job at roush industries!!!! yay!!!
the bad news:
1. we have to move. again.
call me a crazy roller coaster of emotions and a silly little girl, but i am so attached to this apartment right now, it's ridiculous! it's our first home after being married and we worked so hard to make it feel like home since michigan is so far from kansas and everyone we know. since we were out of jobs, we put our sweat into making this apartment our own. it's really nice and spacious with room for guests should they come visit, an awesome view off the balcony, and it's just down right peaceful.
ok, enough of the crying.
christopher found out thursday, april 14th about the new job, signed with them the following tuesday, and was supposed to have started this past monday, but his laptop hadn't come in, so they delayed the start date until this monday. originally, that gave us one week and three days to find an apartment before he started working. o the joys. his work is really close to metro detroit. for over a week, we drove to all parts of the detroit metro area. east, west, into the city... but definitely not down river. everything was so much more run down, i pretty much feared our lives before we even chose a place to live!
but just at the very last minute, and after 4 tanks of gas, we found a really nice town by accident and chanced upon just the most awesome apartment complex. the downside? we move from a 1300 sf 2 bed/2 bath apartment into an 820 sf 1 bed/1 bath apartment downsize!
i've gone through almost all we have and sorted through donateable items. umm no, that's not a word, but work with me here. i believe we've made 3 trips to goodwill with about 4-5 large plastic tubs full of clothes and miscellaneous items and a tube tv. yay for donating! :)
we're especially exciting about the move because that means we'll only be 3.5 hours away from our good friends alan and emily, who are expecting! i fully plan to visit them on the weekends. also, christopher's sister and brother-in-law will also be just 3.5 hours away. they'll be moving right after we move, so that means once we're done moving, we get to do it all over again! yay for moving all the time... and lastly, christopher's aunt, uncle and cousin live within 3.5 hours as well! yay for options!
so, the moral of the story... always look on the bright side of life.
now, without further ado... our apartment for the next two weeks... until we move. again.
so not to confuse you, here's our current layout:

the living room was just fabulous! so bright and open with lots of space to play with macy!

and the kitchen was excellent! it was a walkthrough with lots of cabinets. :) smiles. lots and lots of time in here!

and it looked into the dining room, which we used as a craft/tool room and a baking room! who wants to eat in an enclosed space when you can eat in front of an 8' sliding door?!

umm my other favorite part? the laundry room! yay for laziness and being able to do wash whenever!

the dreaded office... really, it almost never looked like this. imagine stacks of boxes, paper, random items thrown everywhere! with our desks fully of receipts, bills, homework, etc.

and check out my old bulletin board! isn't it adorable?! when we move, i'll make it into some sort of inspiration board. i can't wait.

here's the guest bathroom. this is where macy gets here bath, and both christopher and macy get their haircut.

and last but not least, the master bedroom. see that quilt? christopher's aunt ann was so kind enough to quilt that for us for our wedding. the amazing talents that christopher's mom's family has never ceases to amaze me.

o and just for fun, here's a close up of our closet. i know you probably won't believe me, but christopher has much more clothing out than i do. just sayin'!

thanks for touring our apartment! we'll be sure to get pictures up of our new place!
p.s. these pictures were originally meant to post our apartment on craigslist. actually in just a few moments, we'll be turning our lease (starting june 1) over to someone else! the family lives here on site and just wants to upgrade their apartment.
Yen! I LOVED your apartment tour! I really can't believe how many times you and chris move as well. I JUST managed to see your old Kansas apartment it seems! Some comments/favs about this one, in no particular order:
1. Wonderful kitchen! Mine's no where near as big nor as well decorated--course, Jeff and I will move again in 3 months. (I share your pain.)
2. All the pictures! I'm going to have to work on that...
3. Laundry room--so not fair!! I want to be lazy too!!
4. Your office. Truly AMAZING to see it so clean. Lol. I still remember seeing your old one. :)
5. How it was raining outside. Ah, Michigan...
6. Two bathrooms--------UNBELIEVABLE.
Now, the one sadness: Where were the Oreos?
Well, good luck with all the moving, my friend! Tell Chris CONGRATS from Jeff and me, and God keep you both safe!!!
thanks christine! i will miss this apartment so much! o and we bought some more "oreos" the other day! we get "twist and shout" which tastes just as good as, if not better than, oreos. i'll let christopher know you send your congrats. thank you!
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