but i do have a bunch of randoms for you!
i forgot to mention in the chicago auto show post that i rented a nikon 24mm 1.4 lens just to see how good it was. besides for the fact that the lens was not calibrated to my camera, so back focusing occurred, it was a beauty. i did some test shots first off.
mmm... m&m...

our beautiful new Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary pictures carved out of wood. i got that rosary in italy. each bead has the an image of the Immaculate Virgin Mary on it.
**update: christopher said it's not wood... how sad!!!! it's mass produced... so it's made out of plaster. depressing.

i couldn't resist taking a photo of him. he just looks too good to not.

i miss that lens. i can't wait until i save up enough money to buy more lenses! for now, it's just back to my regular lenses.
here's a picture of a very lovely lady by the name of linda. she owns a shop called fenton flowers and gifts. i went in there one day to try to spread the word of my photography services, and she was so kind and helpful! she's really the only person in fenton that cared enough to talk to us. it's so sad that we have to move away.

i found this picture just chilling in my photo archives. i'll miss our balcony view. so beautiful! i can't wait for summer!

and lastly, i have a couple of cuties sleeping. this first one is a picture of my cousin's baby, audrina, taken this past thanksgiving break. the second one is of christopher and macy taking a nap during my finals week down in manhattan, ks. o the beauty of little sleepies.

i hope these pictures brightened up your hump day! only a couple more days and it's the weekend!
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